Cleaning,  Homemaking

Vodka, the Unexpected Cleaning Hero

Today, we’re raising a toast to an unlikely hero in the realm of household cleaning: vodka! Yep, you read that right, I said vodka. Vodka’s not just for cocktails and martini’s so put on your cleaning gloves and let’s dive into some of the surprising ways vodka can spruce up your home.

The grain-based liquor performs many of the same tasks as vinegar-such as removing stains, refreshing fabrics, disinfecting surfaces, and degreasing cookware to name a few-but without any odor. What’s not to love about that?

Let’s start in the bathroom.

Toilet Rings. Got rings in your toilet, yeah most of us do. Even though we try so hard to keep them at bay, they just develop over time. Pour half a cup of vodka into your toilet once a month to keep rings from forming.

Shower Soap Scum got you down and out…Vodka is here to help ya. Mix equal parts vodka and water in a spray bottle, then spray/spritz it onto the soap scum-covered surfaces. Let it sit for 5 minutes or so to help break down and loosen the grim. Then say goodbye to that scum as you wipe it away. Your shower will sparkle like new.

Bathroom Mold Lurking in the corners… Yep, you guessed it, vodka to the rescue. With the added benefits of vodka’s germ-killing properties, mold and mildew don’t stand a chance. Mix equal parts vodka and water in a spray bottle, then spray/spritz it onto the moldy surfaces. Let it sit for 5 minutes or so to help break down and loosen the grim. You may have to put a little scrubbing into it, but it will clean it up, your shower will smell fresher, look fantastic and feel fresh and clean.

Next, let’s move to other areas around the house.

Streaky Windows… UGH – Am I right? Tired of the streaks most cleaners leave on your windows and mirrors, your friend vodka is here to take away your woes. With vodka’s high alcohol content, it cuts through the streaks making it an excellent cleaner for glass and mirrors. Once again, mix equal parts vodka and water in a spray bottle, then spray/spritz it onto your glass or mirrored surface. Wipe it away with your favorite microfiber cloth to leave you with a streak-free shiny surface.

Germy places. Are your kids coming home from school with all the boogies, germs, and sicknesses? Or maybe you’re working next to a sick co-worker who never stays home when they’re sick, being so gracious to share their cooties with everyone. Not to worry, vodka has some powerful disinfecting qualities. When mixed half and half with water in a spray bottle, you can use it on doorknobs, fridge handles, remote controls, light switches, and car handles to work as an antibacterial agent.

How about the kitchen, there are a lot of places for bacteria and germs to land and hide. Let’s take care of them, shall we?  

Greasy Spaces: I’m looking at you range hood, you know you get the grimiest of all the kitchen spaces. Well, maybe the top of the fridge is a pretty comparable culprit. But seriously, how does the top of the fridge get so gross, mine’s not even that close to the stove. Anyways, I go with straight vodka for greasy grimy kitchen surfaces like range hoods, backsplashes, and countertops. Apply the vodka directly to the surface with a spray bottle or a vodka-sprayed rag or sponge and wipe away the grease.

Stainless Steel. Enough Said – The struggle is real folks to get a clean streak-free surface on stainless steel! You’ll want to try this one and ditch the expensive store-bought cleaners. Simply dampen a microfiber cloth with vodka and use it to wipe down your stainless-steel appliances and fixtures. It will remove smudges and fingerprints and leave behind a streak-free shine. You’re welcome 😉

Greasy pots and pans from dinner – Add a jigger or two of vodka to a sink of soapy dish water to cut through the grease on your pots, pans, and plates to get them clean and grease-free with ease.

How about fabric, towels, and bedding?

Couch smelling a little funky or musty? Leave your home smelling fresh and clean by filling a spray bottle with vodka and lightly misting smelly fabrics and curtains. As the alcohol evaporates, it takes the odors along leaving your home smelling fresh and clean. Pro Tip: Test a small area of fabric to be sure the vodka won’t damage the fabric. Can’t be too careful when it comes to your expensive pieces.

Musty/Stale Towels.  Pro Tip: Don’t overload the washing machine tub when washing towels, the machine won’t agitate correctly and will result in funky-smelling towels. Back to vodka and how it can help your towels. Add one third of a cup of vodka to your washing machine as it’s filling with water. Then add laundry soap. When the machine finishes filling, pause the machine and place your towels in the washer to let them soak for an hour or two before washing as usual. This should help freshen up your towels and get them smelling good again.

Deodorize your mattress. Let’s show your mattress a little love, it keeps you comfy all night after all. To get a fresh and clean-smelling surface, fill a spray bottle with vodka and lightly mist your mattress to freshen it up and kill any lingering bacteria or odors. Let it air dry completely before making your bed. Pro Tip: Replace your pillows every 1-2 years. Often times when your room isn’t smelling right, it’s the pillows, mattress, or curtains creating the smell. Replacing the pillows and using vodka to freshen your mattress and curtains can really freshen up a room and help the stale odors you may be smelling.

Other Uses for Vodka

Sticky tag residue. Don’t you wonder sometimes just what in the heck people are thinking about when they stick a price tag on a glass picture frame? It’s impossible to get all the residue off sometimes. Dabbing straight vodka onto stickers with a cotton ball and letting it sit for a few seconds helps break it down. After letting it sit, gently remove the label with your fingernail and it should slide off with ease. Try this on slick surfaces such as glassware, vases, photo frames, and mugs.

Red wine, grease, and grass stains. Vodka acts as a solvent and can be used effectively to remove stains. Spray the stain with vodka. Blot the stained area with a dry cloth, followed by a clean wet cloth. Let the area dry and repeat the process if needed until the stain has lifted and gone.

What percentage of alcohol content should you use? Look for at least 70%.


Who knew that a bottle of vodka could be such a versatile cleaning powerhouse? From sparkling windows to fresh-smelling fabrics, vodka proves that it’s more than just a party drink – it’s a secret weapon for keeping your home clean and pristine. So, next time you reach for that bottle, consider giving your home a little extra TLC with some vodka-powered cleaning magic. Cheers to a clean and happy home!

Looking for more cleaning hacks, check out this blog post Chemical Free Cleaners for Your Home!

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