
How Cooking Soothes Stress and is Good for the Soul

Life can sometimes feel like a whirlwind. It can leave us feeling a bit frazzled and overwhelmed at times. But amidst the chaos, there’s a simple remedy that’s been around for ages – cooking. It’s more than just making food; it’s a therapy session in the kitchen. Beyond just nourishing our bodies, cooking has a remarkable ability to soothe our minds and relieve stress. Let’s explore how cooking can be the ultimate stress reliever in our busy lives.

Getting Lost in the Moment: When you’re cooking, everything else fades away. Chopping veggies, stirring pots – it’s like meditation in action. You’re fully present, and that’s a rare gift in our fast paced and distracted world. This is actually one of my favorite times of day. This allows me to just focus on cooking, not worrying or thinking about any of the other “things” that are on my To Do List and enjoy the freedom and peace it brings. 

Creativity Playtime for Your Inner Chef: The kitchen is your opportunity to get creative and enjoy the process. Whether you’re following a recipe or winging it, cooking lets you unleash your creativity. The act of creating something unique stimulates our imagination and provides a sense of accomplishment. It’s like art with flavors, and the best part? There are no rules! 

Some of my family’s favorite meals are the ones I just literally throw together with random ingredients. I love that this lets me be creative and clean out the pantry and fridge at the same time. Win – Win!

A Feast for the Senses: Ever noticed how cooking engages your senses? It engages the five senses of seeing, touching, hearing, smelling, and tasting through hands-on experiences. The sizzle of oil, the smell of spices – it’s a sensory explosion. And that’s not just fun; it’s therapeutic. It’s like a mini vacation for your mind. 

Warm Thoughts and Memories: Certain smells or scents in the kitchen can take you back in time to fond memories of your childhood. Like your grandma cooking in the kitchen, an apple pie cooling on the counter, or the turkey that’s roasting in the oven on Thanksgiving day. 

Just think about the future memories you are creating for your children as you cook in your home. Sort of like the smell of cooking onions in a pan with a little bit of salt, pepper, and garlic powder. This is the beginning of a wonderful breakfast sandwich in the morning and a scent that will forever be a core memory for our family and bring a smile to our faces for years to come.

Family Time: Cooking together with your family is also a great way to bond and make new memories. It improves communication and provides an opportunity to spend time together without any external digital influences or noise.

It allows older family members to pass down traditional recipes and techniques, keeping family traditions alive and going. Preparing and eating meals as a family will also teach your children to prioritize family time later in life.

Sharing the Love: Cooking isn’t just about making food; it’s about making memories. Sharing a meal with loved ones creates bonds that last a lifetime. Plus, taking care of others by cooking for them is a surefire way to warm your heart. This one hits on all the levels for me. I love to cook and host big holiday meals as well and cook daily for my family. It brings me a sense of joy and contentment unlike anything else.  

Nourishment Beyond the Plate: The act of nurturing others through food can be deeply fulfilling, enhancing our sense of purpose and belonging. Furthermore, preparing wholesome meals allows us to prioritize self-care, nourishing our bodies with nutritious ingredients that fuel both physical and mental well-being.

Learning as You Go: In the kitchen, every mistake is a lesson in disguise. Burnt the toast? No problem – now you know not to leave it in too long. Over salt your mashed potatoes? Next time, you’ll start with a little, add a little and taste more often until you get the right balance. Cooking is all about trial and error, and that’s a beautiful thing. It’s like life – messy but rewarding.

Cooking is a skill that takes time and practice. You definitely have to keep trying and not give up. Although, trying to roll out a gluten free pie crust is the worst for me… if you know, you know~ It’s just so stinkin sticky and impossible to roll out. Don’t give or be afraid to try new things. One day you’ll be cooking up a storm and loving every minute of it without hesitation.

Cooking Just Makes You Happier: A little creativity and creation in the kitchen can make people happier. Cooking is an act of patience and mindfulness. It leaves you feeling confident and positive that you are taking care and nourishing your body and enhances your self-esteem.

There are studies that suggest that people who frequently take on small, creative projects like baking or cooking report feeling more relaxed and happier in their everyday lives. A sprinkle of mindfulness and a dash of creativity might just be the perfect recipe for inner peace.

So next time life throws you a curveball, don’t stress – cook! Let the rhythm of the kitchen whisk your worries away. It’s not just about making food; it’s about finding peace in the chaos. So grab your apron, turn on some music, and let the cooking therapy begin. After all, a little time in the kitchen might be just what the doctor ordered for a stress-free life.

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